Rock Solid Concrete
Masonry Grout
Rock Solid produces and supplies masonry grout mixes that meet ASTM C476 specifications.
Masonry grout is a cementitious mixture used to fill cores or cavities in masonry construction. While usually added for structural reasons, grout can also increase fire ratings, security, acoustical performance, termite resistance, blast resistance, thermal storage capacity and anchorage capabilities. Grout is composed of cement, small-sized aggregate, sand, chemical admixtures and sufficient water to allow ease of placement and ensure complete filling of the grout space. The high initial water content of typical grout mixes compensates for water absorption by the masonry during and after grout placement. The final water-to-cement ratio is significantly reduced, thus grout develops high compressive strength despite its apparent high initial water to cement ratio.
Generally, grout is used to structurally bond wall elements into a wall system. The most common example is in reinforced construction, where grout bonds the steel reinforcing bars to the masonry, allowing them to act as one system in resisting loads. (National Concrete Masonry Association, TEK 09-04A https://ncma.org/ )
This is a great project where grout was used at Tempe Town Lakes. Here we used Pressure Grout under the foundation for the new Roller Compacted Concrete Dam at the West end of the lake. (May 2015)