Rock Solid Concrete
Specialty Mixes
Rock Solid designs, produces and supplies specialty concrete mixes such “Fluidized Thermal Backfill”, required by local utilities, “Foam Fill Mix” and “Specialty Panel Mix” used in Insulated Concrete Forms and Panels.
If your company has specific material requirements not met by a standard concrete mix, Rock Solid will help design a mix to meet such requirements.
Fluidized Thermal Backfill
Rapid growth and the commitment to supply an ample amount of electricity has the local power companies working vigilantly to satisfy these demands by installing larger and higher voltage cables. These high voltage cables generate a lot of heat that dissipates into the surrounding backfill/subgrade and the ability of the soil to transfer this heat ultimately determines if the operating cables will remain cool or eventually overheat. When the calculated soil thermal values are not adequate, a fluidized material, consisting of raw materials used in the production of ready-mix concrete, referred to as Fluidized Thermal Backfill, is engineered to aide in this heat transfer.

Foam Fill Mix For Pressure Grout
Rock Solid was contacted to design a mix for a Pressure Grouting company. The Project was the new Roller Compacted Dam on the west end of Tempe Town Lake. Due to the geology in the Salt River bed, the lake was leaking through many fissures under the dam. The Foam Mix was designed to flow under high pressure several hundred feet to plug the many fissures.
Specialty Panel Mix for "Hercuwall Panelized Shell And Demising Wall System"
HercuTech began developing a new system for building exterior house walls as an alternative to the standard “frame and stucco” method in 2018. Seeking help in designing a concrete mix that would flow throughout the wall system, provide adequate wall strength and mitigate issues typical to insulated concrete forms, they contacted Rock Solid. The resulting mix proved effective in meeting all design criteria and passed required UL testing.